Using an Attorney as Your Business Advisor
LOPJB As Your Business Consultant We are happy to provide you the legal services that you would enjoy if your organization had inside counsel. At our firm, we represent many businesses in this capacity and are happy to discuss your business’s legal needs as well. Legal oversight of day to day business operations is a…
The 11 Things You MUST Know About a Power of Attorney
From Legal News, by LegalShield Corp. A power of attorney (POA) is a powerful tool that allows someone to act on your behalf in medical, legal and business affairs. Call your LegalShield provider law firm and an attorney will explain the benefits of a power of attorney to you. In the meantime, here are some…
7 Legal Tips for Starting a Business
From Legal News, by LegalShield Corp. Starting a successful business takes time, money, patience, determination and a healthy dose of luck. Getting off to a good start means being prepared for any number of challenges. If you are a small business owner or are planning to start a new business, these tips may help put…