Video Blog #25: Starting a Business in Florida

Congratulations! You’ve made the decision to leave the corporate rat race behind and start your very own business or franchise in Florida. While these are exciting times, nothing will dampen your entrepreneurial enthusiasm faster than a major lawsuit or a nasty contract dispute. To avoid having the rug pulled out from under you before you’ve…

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Video Blog #24: Arbitration

Civil, Real Estate, and Commercial disputes, as well as large business transactions can often be complex, but with a skilled and dynamic arbitrator, your firm can avoid the often lengthy, expensive, and public litigation process. Arbitration appoints a neutral third party to resolve disputes, and typically provides speedier, and therefore cheaper, resolutions that remain private…

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Video Blog #21: Commercial Litigation

Alimony can be awarded in a dissolution of marriage either by agreement between the parties or via a determination by the court. But what happens if the circumstances of either party change after the final judgment has been entered? Alimony modification laws in the State of Florida are considered to be far more progressive than…

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Video Blog #23: Commercial Litigation

If your business is facing a dispute that cannot be resolved informally between the parties, you may have to pursue litigation. Litigation is one way that people and corporate entities resolve disputes. The parties rely on a judge or jury to determine the answer to legal questions or to resolve a matter. Commercial litigation involves…

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Video Blog #22: Estate Planning for High Net Worth Individuals

Estate Planning can be challenging no matter what your family’s economic status is, but it becomes even more complex when you are a high net worth individual. You’ve worked hard to accumulate your wealth, and now you want to protect your assets for your heirs, minimize estate taxes, and avoid the time consuming and often…

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Video Blog #20: Divorce

Dissolution of marriage proceedings can be complex, challenging, lengthy, and sometimes even ugly. The attorneys at The Law Offices of Paul J. Burkhart, P.L., believe their job is to help you navigate the process as efficiently as possible and seek to tailor solutions that give you the most positive outcome possible in your case. They…

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